When it comes to teaching kids about the body, more specifically teaching about the sexual and reproductive anatomy, there are a lot of terms and body parts to cover. And since it’s most likely been a while since you took a biology or anatomy and physiology class and you may have forgotten what some things are (like I did!), you may need some help.

Well, have no fear. If it’s time to teach your kids about the body (and things like how babies are made and how periods work), I have the perfect resource for you! It’s free printables of the sexual and reproductive anatomy, for both the male and female reproductive systems! Yay!

Inside this free anatomy download you’ll find:
Let’s take a look at what you get with this free sexual health download!
- Seven pages of printable diagrams featuring the…
- External assigned female at birth anatomy (a.k.a. the vulva and clitoris)
- Internal assigned female at birth anatomy, front view
- Internal assigned female at birth anatomy, side view
- Assigned male at birth anatomy, front view
- Assigned male at birth anatomy, side view
- Descriptions and definitions of each body part for you and your kids to better know and understand the body
- Plus, I’ve included an explainer video just for parents. The video gives you some additional insight on how to use these printable to talk to kids about their bodies and the sexual and reproductive system. Also, I highlight why it’s so important to use anatomically correct language.
Why is it important to use anatomically correct language?
Speaking of anatomically correct language. Let me share four reasons why you should be using anatomically correct language to teach kids about their bodies!
What does it mean to use anatomically correct language for body part? This simply means that when teaching kids about the sexual and reproductive anatomy you don’t use nicknames to label their body parts. You call each part part what is it with language that is commonly accepted among the medical community. For example, you don’t say wee-wee or va-jay-jay, you say penis, vulva, and vagina.
1. Build Confidence (and no shame!)
Using anatomically correct language empowers kids to claim their body as their own. It shows them that there is nothing to be ashamed of and that their body isn’t bad, wrong, or dirty. Rather it helps kids know that their body is inherently good (which means they are inherently good!).
2. Equip kids with specific language
Using anatomically correct language that is commonly accepted within the medical community kids very specific language to talk about their bodies. It helps them clearly explain if something is wrong, if they have a question, or if they’ve been harmed in any way.
3. Empowers kids to live with body autonomy
Using anatomically correct language lays the foundation for kids living with body autonomy. When they feel no shame or embarrassment about their body, they can boldly advocate for their needs, wants, and boundaries when it comes to keeping their body safe.
4. It lays the foundation for being able to grant informed consent!
Using anatomically correct language helps create a safe space to inform our kids about how their body looks and how it works which gives them the freedom to really know and understand their body.
This deeply connects to consent because consent must be informed and you can only give informed consent if you are informed. Meaning that only when people are truly informed about their bodies can they EVER truly set authentic boundaries and be able to advocate for themselves.
So when you use language like penis, vulva, and vagina with your kids it may seem like you are just teaching them about their body parts. But you’re actually laying a foundation for them to be able to give informed consent as they grow up.
Overall, using anatomically correct language to teach kids about their bodies is the foundation for raising sexually healthy kids who can make enriching sexual decisions.
Download free sexual and reproductive anatomy printables!
Download the free sexual and reproductive anatomy printables!
Alright, parents! Two things should be clear by now, 1) Using anatomically language and teaching your kids about their body is super important! And 2) It’s time to download these free anatomy printables and start teaching your kid about their body! These printables and the included explainer video will help guide the conversation and make sure your kid is equipped with the language and medical knowledge they need to make sexually healthy decisions!