Get started for free
with The Talk Toolkit
The Talk Toolkit features five free tools to help you become your child’s go-to sexual health resource:
Making Sexually Healthy Decisions: A Framework
The Golden Rules of Talking to Your Kids About Sex
Sexual Health Glossary
Sexual & Reproductive Anatomy, a printable guide
That First Convo (A Conversation Script)

Raise a sexually
healthy child with
Reimagining The Talk™
Reimagining The Talk™ is your go-to for raising a sexually healthy child who thinks critically and makes empowered sexual decisions. This self-paced course features eight modules covering the core sexual health topics and features a signature process for talking to your child about sex. This process will give you the knowledge and confidence needed to raise a fully informed, critical thinker who makes empowered decisions.
Inside the course you’ll get instant access to

- A self-paced online program with eight course modules.
- A comprehensive program that covers core elements of sexual health.
- Parent learning activities to help define exactly what you want to teach your child.
- Lifetime membership to the course content and the community.
- A curated list of resources to help you better understand how to raise a sexually healthy child.
- Teaching video series to help you digest the necessary information and feel prepared to go and talk to your child about each topic.
- A jam packed course workbook with learning activities, reflection prompts, links to resources, conversation guides, and more.
BONUS: Conversations guides, tips, and scripts to help you navigate all of the most common sexual health topics with your child.
BONUS: Media Moments discussion prompts to start conversations around the media messages your child consumes on a regular basis.
BONUS: Personal Sexual Values Workshop to help you outline what exactly you want to teach your child so you can go into the conversation with confidence, clarity, and purpose.
BONUS: Free printables: Sexual health glossary and sexual health and reproductive anatomy.

Discover upcoming
My online and live workshops provide parents and teachers with an opportunity to examine sexual health through a medically-accurate, comprehensive, and values-based lens, while building connections and collaborating with others. Stay tuned for updates about future workshops.
Workshop topics include (and more!):
For Teachers
- How to teach medically-accurate, comprehensive, and inclusive sex ed
- Teaching Porn Literacy
- Consent 101: A Skills-Based Approach to Teaching Consent
For Parents
- Five steps to raising a sexually healthy child
- How to Have Open and Honest Conversation About Masturbation and Pornography in Your Home
- The Biology Basics: The information every parent needs to know
Sign up to get info about upcoming workshops