Hey Parents!

Learn how to raise a sexually healthy child who thinks critically and makes empowered sexual decisions!

reimagining The Talk
reimagining The Talk

You’ve probably heard a lot of messages lately about the importance of teaching your child about consent and that you should start the talk early. Maybe you’ve already covered the birds and bees and taught your child the anatomically correct names for the body parts.

But did you know that sexual health actually goes beyond anatomy, reproduction and consent?

Yep. It’s WAY deeper than what you and I learned in Sex Ed class, and is far more nuanced than the conversations our parents had with us… if there were conversations at all.

Sexual health is about understanding the feelings and emotions involved in sexual decisions. It’s about learning how to actively engage in experiences that honor and exemplify your values.

Did you just double take? I know. This is a whole new way to look at sexual health and many of us have some work to do to reframe what we learned about sex growing up. Not only is this a fresh definition but we’re also raising kids in a completely different world than we grew up in.

Let’s face it. When we were kids, our parents had a lot of control over when and how we received information, simply because we didn’t have the same access to the Internet.

But that means our parents were also limited on the information THEY had to provide us about how to make healthy choices when it came to relationships and sex. To make things clear, they may have set hard and fast rules about sex (or they may have avoided these conversations all together).

But here’s the thing, rules don’t work.

A rule isn’t big enough to hold all the feelings, emotions, and knowledge involved in a decision about something as complex as sex.


Mom and kid reading on couch


Instead of rules, what we actually needed was a set of VALUES to help us make sexual decisions and grow into sexually mature adults.

Can you imagine how different life would’ve been if you were taught about sex through open and honest conversation based on values, rather than given a strict set of unattainable sexual rules?

Mom and kid reading on couch

You can become your

child’s go-to sexual

health resource and talk

to your child about sex

with confidence, clarity,

and purpose.

Let’s rewrite the story!

Let’s pretend that instead of giving you rules to follow or avoiding the topic all together, that you had many conversations with your parents across your lifetime about sexual health.



As a toddler, you learned about your body and your feelings, and you could go to your family anytime you had a question. Your parents knew that by equipping you with the correct language to name your body parts and set boundaries, they were actually giving you a shield to protect your body against any unwanted interactions.


As a young child, you asked a lot of questions about where babies come from and how to deal with your growing range of emotions as you navigated relationships with your peers. Your parents helped you build a solid set of social and emotional skills.


In your pre-teen years, you were dealing with all kinds of changes. Your parents didn’t have all the answers, but they created a safe space to ask questions, and they found the answers for you, so you could have a medically correct understanding of your body and how to keep your body performing at an optimal level. They understood that puberty wasn’t just about WHAT was happening to your body, it was about how to keep your body and mind healthy and balanced through these changes.


As a teenager, having conversations about relationships, feelings, and the body was nothing out of the norm. Your home was a safe space for critical discussions about the family values around sex. You were empowered to make healthy sexual decisions that respected your own personal values based on conversations you had as a family.

When it came time to make the decision about having engaging in sexual activity, you considered your personal values- values you had discussed at length with your family. You regularly checked in with your body to be sure you were honoring your own boundaries, and you kept a close eye on your emotions as you made the decision.

Not every decision you made was the right one, but you were able to bring these issues to your family and know that you were safe to reflect and move forward without shame or guilt.


Which do you prefer for your child? A set of strict rules to follow? Or a framework of values to help guide sexual decisions?

You want your child to

feel comfortable talking

to you about anything

and you feel a 

responsibility to talk

to them about sex.

But that’s a lot easier said than done…. Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You recognize that it’s important it is to teach your child about sex, but you’re not quite sure how to navigate this realm of parenting.

  • You want to control the narrative around what your child knows and learns about sexual health, but you also want to make sure you have accurate information and approach it in an age-appropriate manner.

  • You don’t just want to give your child a set of rules to follow, instead you want to raise them to be critical thinkers, who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make healthy decisions for themselves.

  • You want to become your child’s go-to sexual health resource and guide, but you don’t know how to start the conversation.


  • You want to build a relationship of trust and openness with your child so they come and talk to you about all aspects of their life (including sex!), but you feel lost about how to make that happen.

How would it feel to…


Confidently know what to teach your child (and where to find answers) about all of the biggest sexual health topics.


Develop a holistic understanding of sexual health and in-depth knowledge of sexual health topics so you can pass that knowledge on to your child.


Know how to keep the lines of communication open, even when dealing with tough topics in a way that encourages your child to continue coming to you for guidance and support.


Be in control of the narrative about all things sexual health with your child, so they don’t learn from other sources…


Truly be a guide for your child and someone they come to for advice around sex and other important topics.


You can create a relationship with your child where they respect your knowledge and wisdom and feel comfortable talking to you about anything…. Including sex!

Reimagining The Talk™

Your go-to resource for raising a sexually healthy child who thinks critically and makes empowered sexual decisions

Reimagining The Talk™ is a self-paced course for parents who want to raise a child who thinks critically and makes empowered sexual decisions. It provides you with a comprehensive approach for raising a sexaully healthy child, with guidance and resources as you navigate sexual health conversations. You’ll first be guided through a process to help you define your sexual values, understand your personal sexual decision-making framework, and identify specifically what you want to teach your child. Then, you’ll learn how to guide your child as they identify and develop their sexual values and create their own framework for making sexual decisions. 

Raising a sexually healthy child requires raising a fully informed child.  

Throughout this course you’ll have access to all of the information and necessary resources to teach your child about the sexual health basics like anatomy, puberty, periods, reproduction, contraceptives, the sexual response, and more. You’ll also find conversation starters, tips, and guides for talking about and teaching your child about these topics in an age-appropriate manner. 

Ultimately, Reimagining The Talk™ provides you with the knowledge, tools, and resources to become your child’s go-to sexual health resource by building a trusting relationship and establishing a brave space for open and honest communication. All while focusing on empowering your child to nurture their individual and unique sexuality!

“I absolutely love Janelle’s material! Her lesson’s are clear and thorough, while at the same time not busy or confusing. I am astounded by the amount and quality of material that Janelle has developed. You will not be disappointed by any material you purchase from Janelle!”

– Melissa


You could keep answering your child’s questions as they come up, doing your best to remember the script you heard on that one TikTok video about sexual health… even though you didn’t exactly agree with everything they said in the script.


You could put these conversations off entirely until the teenage years (when it’s completely unavoidable).


OR you could dig into your own thoughts and feelings NOW and develop your unique set of family values, so you are empowered to have meaningful conversations with your child now and in the future.

Unlike many other sex educators, I don’t just give you conversion scripts to follow.  Instead, I will equip you with the tools, knowledge, and support to make decisions about your family’s values, so you have a unique framework from which to talk to your child about the body, relationships, and sex.

Inside Reimagining

The Talk™ you’ll follow

five key phases that

will empower you to

raise a sexually

healthy child.


Sexual values are the personal beliefs and principles defining what is right for you sexually. Taking time to know and understand your own sexual values clarifies what you want to teach your child in terms of what it means to be sexually healthy.


Your sexual decision making process relates to your sexual ethic (the set of sexual actions, behaviors, and thoughts you define as healthy and ideal). You have to understand your criteria for making your own sexual decisions before you can pass that knowledge on to your child. This phase will give you a framework for teaching your child how to think critically and make empowered and healthy sexual decisions.

3. Understand And Teach The Basics

Before you start teaching your child about sexual health, you may need to brush up on the basics for yourself. Reviewing the basic knowledge connected to the various elements of sexual health will fill any gaps in your understanding. Then you can begin to teach the necessary information to your child.


Once you’ve identified your sexual values and decision making process, and refreshed your knowledge on the basics, you’ll be ready to start guiding your child as they identify their own sexual values. At this stage you’ll be able to intentionally give your child age-appropriate space and freedom to uncover and identify their personal values.


Using our simple framework, your child will define how they make sexual decisions. Guiding them through this process plays a fundamental role in raising an empowered decision maker. By helping them define a personalized framework for making sexual decisions, they are able to better make choices that align with their values, needs, wants, and boundaries.

These five key phases are woven into nine core course modules inside Reimagining The Talk. Together, the modules highlight this outlined progression while examining core elements of sexual health. This process will give you the knowledge and confidence that are essential to raising a fully informed, critical thinker who is able to make empowered decisions about sex.

Here’s an overview of topics covered in the course:

Module 1

Your Sexual Framework

  • Addressing Resistance And Discomfort
  • Examining Your Sexual Values: A Workshop
  • Defining How You Make Sexual Decisions

Module 2

Cultivating A Safe And Brave Space

  • Building Trust With Your Child
  • Starting The Conversation
  • Understanding Sexuality

Module 3

Repairing After Rupture

Computer image of Module 3 of reimagining the talk course
  • Recognizing The Trigger Points
  • Restoring The Relationship

Module 4

Autonomy & Consent

  • Raising an Autonomous Child
  • Consent: The Foundation Of All Positive Interaction
  • Body Autonomy
  • Sexual Consent

Module 5

Biology Basics

  • Reviewing Sexual And Reproductive Anatomy
  • Puberty, A Refresh
  • Reproduction And Preventing Pregnancy 
  • Understanding Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Module 6

Meaningful, Pleasurable, And Healthy Sexual Experiences

  • What Is Sex and the Sexual Response?
  • The P-Word… Pleasure
  • Intimacy: Emotional And Physical Closeness
  • Sexual Readiness: Defining When The Time Is “Right”
  • Raising an Autonomous Child
  • Consent: The Foundation Of All Positive Interaction
  • Body Autonomy
  • Sexual Consent
  • Reviewing Sexual And Reproductive Anatomy
  • Puberty, A Refresh
  • Reproduction And Preventing Pregnancy 
  • Understanding Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  • What Is Sex and the Sexual Response?
  • The P-Word… Pleasure
  • Intimacy: Emotional And Physical Closeness
  • Sexual Readiness: Defining When The Time Is “Right”

Module 7


  • Sexual Health And Masturbation
  • Setting Healthy Guidelines And Boundaries

Module 8


  • What Is Pornography?
  • Are Pornography and Media Real Life?
  • Making Enriching Decisions About Pornography

Wrap Up

Resources And Next Steps

  • Resources And Tips To Keep The Conversation Going

You’ll get instant access to:

reimagining The Talk
  • A self-paced online program with nine course modules and lessons designed to help guide conversations about sexual health with your child.

  • A comprehensive program that covers core elements of sexual health including sexuality, autonomy and consent, anatomy, puberty, reproduction, contraceptives, sexually transmitted infections, the sexual response, pleasure, masturbation, pornogoraphy and more!

  • Parent learning activities throughout the course to help you uncover your sexual values and define exactly what you want to teach your child about sexual health. 

  • Lifetime membership to the course content and the community, allowing you to access any future updates and new content. This means you can come back as your child grows up and goes through different phases of life. 

  • Conversations guides, tips, and scripts to help you navigate all of the most common sexual health topics with your child. 

  • Discussion prompts to help your child learn how to critically examine the media and analyze how the media messages around sex are impacting their well-being.

  • A curated list of resources to help you better understand how to raise a sexually healthy child.

  • Teaching video series for each module. Quick, to the point, and actionable to help you digest the necessary information and feel prepared to go and talk to your child about each topic. 

  • A jam packed course workbook with learning activities (for you and your child), reflection prompts, links to resources, conversation guides, and more.

You’ll also get access to these bonuses:


Conversation Guides – Tips, guides, and conversation scripts you can follow as you talk about all of the most important sexual health topics including autonomy and consent, sexual and reproductive anatomy, puberty, what is sex and the sexual response, pleasure, making sexual decisions, masturbation, pornography, and more.


Media Moments – Discussion prompts connecting the media messages your child consumes on a regular basis. These prompts will help your child become an educated and critical media consumer, who is able to dissect the media messages they consume and not let inaccurate or exaggerated depictions of sexual health mold their understanding of sexual health and define their personal expectations.


Personal Sexual Values Workshop – This workshop and learning exercises will help you understand what sexual values are, and guide you as you define your personal sexual values. This will help you outline what exactly you want to teach your child so you can go into the conversation with confidence, clarity, and purpose.


Sexual health glossary and reproductive anatomy printables – With these printables, you’ll have a handy guide to help you teach your child medically accurate information about the body (what it looks like and how it functions).

“Great resource!

Really easy to follow

and well laid out.”


– Chelsea D.

Get started with Reimagining The Talk™ today and learn how to raise your sexually healthy child!

Becoming your child’s

go-to resource and

raising them to be

sexually healthy are

NOT a given!

You don’t want to wait too long or say too little (like your parents did)! Because without putting the time and intention to help your child establish their sexual values, build knowledge, and make healthy sexual decisions, raising a sexually healthy child won’t happen on it’s own.

By starting now, you have an opportunity to develop a trusting, open, and honest relationship with your child so you can confidently talk about sexual health before it’s too late.

The reality is that the sooner you start preparing and having these conversations, the better. If not, it will just keep getting harder as your child grows older and begins to develop their own understanding of what sexual health is, making it more difficult for them to see you as a safe, knowledgeable, and trustworthy sexual health resource.

By providing your child with accurate, age-appropriate information and knowledge, you’ll be able to control the narrative. If not, they could end up learning about sexual health from their friends, the media, the Internet, or worse, pornography.

Reimagining The Talk equips you with the practical knowledge, easy-to-follow guidance, and tools needed to engage in open and honest conversations about sexual health with your child. So you can confidently guide your child as they build critical thinking skills and learn how to make empowered sexual decisions.

“Excellent resource, always know with Janelle I am getting high quality products that are easy to understand and well designed!”

– Brianna

You know you need to rethink the conversations I’m having with my child about relationships, the body, and setting boundaries. But when is the right time to start?

  • Is your child a toddler? Start NOW.  
  • Is your child school-aged? Start NOW.
  • Is your child a pre-teen? Start NOW.
  • Is your child a teenager, and you’re worried it’s too late? It’s not. Start NOW.

Because your child, no matter the age, is receiving messages about sexual health DAILY.

  • Through the most innocent TV shows and movies
  • In books (Yes, even the well-intentioned ones)
  • On social media
  • By observing how their peers and adults navigate relationships
  • Navigating new relationships with their peers
  • Talking with their peers

Equip your child with the knowledge and confidence to make thoughtful decisions and set healthy boundaries based on your family’s unique set of values around sexual health.

Don’t wait to have these critical conversations about the body, feelings, emotions, relationships, and sexuality.

Hi, I'm Janelle

Sexual Health Educator Janelle The

Hi, I'm Janelle

I’m one of those sexual health educators that grew up NEVER talking about sex.

Not at home. 

Not at school. 

Not even with my friends. 

Seriously, it was not something I had any confidence or comfort navigating. So you can imagine my shock when I realized that I had to teach sex ed during my student teaching practicum, right at the start of my teaching career.

Let me tell you, it was NOT love at first sight and it took a few years of awkwardness, trial and errors, and learning how to keep my cool while answering embarrassing questions before I started to love teaching sexual health.

Now, nearly a decade later, I have a deep passion for teaching sexual health and can confidently navigate my way around even the most in-depth sexual health conversation. However, my focus has shifted from teaching students in sex ed classes, to to working with parents to help them confidently teach their children about sex. 

I am particularly passionate about helping those parents who, like me, didn’t talk a lot about sex growing up and don’t have a reference or model to follow. If I could learn how to navigate this unfamiliar and often uncomfortable realm of parenting, I am certain that you can too.

My experience has given me 100% confidence that any parent (no matter their background) can become their child’s go-to sexual health resource by intentionally learning how to talk to their child about sex with confidence, clarity, and purpose! 

I created Reimagining The Talk to help parents like you boost your confidence in talking about sex, build medically-accurate knowledge, and define a clear purpose and plan for navigating the process of raising a sexual healthy and empowered child. 

If you’re ready to change the narrative and become your child’s go-to sexual health resource, I would love to help you do that inside Reimagining The Talk™!

14-Day No Questions Asked Guarantee!

Your journey to raising a sexually healthy child is completely risk free!

Talking to your child about sex is a big enough task without worrying about the financial investment of this course!

The Reimagining The Talk™ course comes with a 100% money back guarantee. I am confident that if you follow this course, you will gain confidence in your ability to talk to your child about sex, have clarity about what raising a sexually healthy child means to you, and be able to navigate conversations about sex with purpose and intention. 

At any time in the 14 days following your purchase, if you explore the course material and find that it is not a good fit for you, you can cancel your course access and receive a full refund. Simply email me and let me know that you would like to cancel and I’ll refund your money! 

No questions asked!

“This was a BIG help! Thank you for taking the time and energy to put together such a great resource and making it available to others!”

– Ashley

Reimagining The Talk™ was created for parents who…


Want to have open and honest conversations with your child about their sexual well-being.


Find both the “wait until marriage”  and the “just use protection and get consent and you’re good” approaches to be a limited education, and you want to provide your child with something more.


Are committed to raising your child to think critically about their sexual health.


Are ready to guide your child as they develop their personal sexual values and framework for making sexual decisions.


Care about becoming a truly safe person that your child can turn to no matter the situation!

Don’t purchase Reimagining The Talk™ if…


You aren’t willing to do some personal discovery to identify exactly what it is you want to teach your child about sexual health.


You already have a specific set of sexual health rules you want your child to follow.


You aren’t interested in opening up a dialogue with your child around this topic.

“A very, very useful and engaging resource! Lots of helpful information and activities. Thanks so much!”

– Elizabeth



Here’s everything included in

Reimagining The Talk™:

  • A self-paced online program with eight course modules.

  • A comprehensive program that covers all core elements of sexual health.

  • Parent learning activities to help define exactly what you want to teach your child. 

  • Lifetime membership access to the course content and the community.

  • A curated list of resources to help you better understand how to raise a sexually healthy child.

  • Teaching video series to help you digest the necessary information and feel prepared to go and talk to your child about each topic. 

  • A jam packed course workbook with learning activities, reflection prompts, links to resources, conversation guides, and more.

BONUS: Conversations guides, tips, and scripts to help you navigate all of the most common sexual health topics with your child.


BONUS: Media Moments discussion prompts to start conversations around the media messages your child consumes on a regular basis.


BONUS: Personal Sexual Values Workshop  to help you outline what exactly you want to teach your child so you can go into the conversation with confidence, clarity, and purpose.


BONUS: Free printables: Sexual health glossary and sexual health and reproductive anatomy.

Choose Your Payment Plan:

Answers to your Questions about Reimagining The Talk™:

Why should I take initiative in this area rather than letting my child bring it up?

– If you wait for your child to start the conversation (that is, if they ever do bring it up) you’ve missed your opportunity to control the narrative. By the time your child decides to come to you, they will have already been exposed to sexual health topics through the media, their friends, the Internet, or pornography. By taking initiative you ensure that your child is building a medically-accurate understanding of sexual health, centered on the sexual values YOU want your child to learn.

Can’t my child just learn this at school?

– The simple truth is that sex Ed programs in school only have so much time and so many resources. If your child only learns about sex through Sex Ed, it may only be a few days over the course of their entire education. And there is only so much a child can learn in a few days. Also, because school Sex Ed programs are limited in time and resources, they tend to focus on the technical details of sex, preventing pregnancy, and STI protection. This means they don’t have time to dive into the other elements of holistic sexual health (like autonomy and consent, sexual values, sexual decisions making, etc.). Also, by having conversations about sexual health with your child, you’re able to highlight your sexual values and your framework for making sexual decisions, which are not taught at school.

Is this a faith-based program? How do I know it will align with my family’s values?

– This is not a faith based program. However, it can be compatible with any faith or belief system as it is centered on parents defining their sexual values and sexual decisions making framework as a guide for teaching their child about sexual health. As the instructor, I do not share or promote my personal sexual values or sexual decisions making framework, instead I share knowledge and tools for you to define your values and determine how you make decisions. This means that any parent, no matter their beliefs system, will be able to use this program as a guide for promoting their personal sexual values.

What if my child is LGBTQ+?

– You and your child are absolutely welcome!!!

How much time will I need to dedicate to this course?

– Because it’s self-paced it all depends on how quickly you move through each module. Some are rather straightforward and you’ll finish in a snap. Others call for more reflection and personal discovery, which may require more time to compete. That being said, the course is ultimately designed as a resource you can keep coming back to as your child enters a new phase of life or a specific sexual health issue arises.

What if topics like masturbation and pornography make me uncomfortable and I’m not sure how to navigate these topics?

– Have no fear, you are not alone! Most parents feel a little apprehensive about addressing these topics.  As we cover them in the course, I share information and knowledge to help you feel more educated on each topic. You’ll also get access to conversation guides, tips, and scripts to help you navigate these topics with your child.

What age is this for?

– This course is for parents with children of any age. If you have a young child or pre-teen, you will be able to best utilize this course because you have an opportunity to build a safe space just as puberty hits. But, it’s never too early or too late to start these conversations.

Do you offer refunds?

– Yes! 14 day, no risk, no questions asked refunds. If you purchase Reimagining The Talk™ and it doesn’t meet your needs, just send us an email within 14 days of purchase and we will refund your money.

Will my spouse/parenting partner and I both have access to the course?

– Absolutely! We advocate for talking about sex to be a family affair! After purchasing, you will receive an email with login information for accessing the course content. You and your spouse/parenting partner will be able to share the login information and go through the course together.

Are there resources I can share directly with my child?

– Yes! While many of the resources are specifically for you as the parents, there are some resources that have been specifically designed for you to share with your child.

What if my child is a baby or toddler, would this be useful for me?

– Yes! No matter the age of your child, this course was designed for you. Throughout the course there are age-appropriate resources (like conversation guides) for talking to your kids of any age about sexual health topics!  Plus, by starting earlier, you’re getting that much of a head start on raising a sexually healthy child.

What if I still have more questions?

– I’m happy to answer any other questions you have! Email me at [email protected] and I’ll get back to you within 48 hours.